5452, Kariba Road,

Opp EastPark Mall, Kalundu, Lusaka, 10101, Zambia

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Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 17:00
Saturday : 8:00 - 13:00
24 Hrs Emergency Services

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Welcome to Wellspring Hospital's Antenatal Clinic in Zambia! Our clinic is dedicated to providing comprehensive antenatal care to expectant mothers, ensuring that both mother and baby are healthy throughout the pregnancy.

At Wellspring Hospital, we understand that every pregnancy is unique, which is why we tailor our services to meet the individual needs of each mother. Our team of experienced and compassionate healthcare professionals provides a range of antenatal services, including regular check-ups, ultrasounds, and prenatal education.

We are committed to promoting a safe and healthy pregnancy journey for all expectant mothers who visit our clinic. Our goal is to ensure that you receive advanced quality care in a warm and welcoming environment.

Trust us to guide you through every step of your pregnancy journey. Schedule an appointment with our Antenatal Clinic in Zambia today!

Antenatal care (ANC)

Antenatal care (ANC) is an umbrella term used to describe medical care and procedures that are carried out to and for the pregnant women. It is the health care that is rendered to the pregnant women throughout pregnancy until the child’s birth and is aimed at detecting the already existing problems and/or problems that can develop during pregnancy, affecting the pregnant woman and/or her unborn child. The care includes various screening tests, diagnostic procedures, prophylactic treatments, some of which are done routinely, and others are provided to the women based on identified problems and risk factors.

  • Identification and surveillance of the pregnant woman and her expected child
  • Recognition and management of pregnancy-related complications, particularly pre-eclampsia
  • Recognition and treatment of underlying or concurrent illness
  • Screening for conditions and diseases such as anemia, STIs (particularly syphilis), HIV infection, mental health problems, and/or symptoms of stress or domestic violence
  • Preventive measures, including tetanus toxoid immunization, de-worming, iron and folic acid, intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp), insecticide treated bed nets (ITN)
  • Advice and support to the woman and her family for developing healthy home behaviors and a birth and emergency preparedness plan to:
    • Increase awareness of maternal and newborn health needs and self-care during pregnancy and the postnatal period, including the need for social support during and after pregnancy
    • Promote healthy behaviors in the home, including healthy lifestyles and diet, safety and injury prevention, and support and care in the home, such as advice and adherence support for preventive interventions like iron supplementation, condom use, and use of ITN
    • Support care seeking behavior, including recognition of danger signs for the woman and the newborn as well as transport and funding plans in case of emergencies
    • Help the pregnant woman and her partner prepare emotionally and physically for birth and care of their baby, particularly preparing for early and exclusive breastfeeding and essential newborn care and considering the role of a supportive companion at birth
    • Promote postnatal family planning/birth spacing

For many of the essential interventions in ANC, it is crucial to have early identification of underlying conditions – for example, prevention of congenital syphilis, control of anemia, and prevention of malaria complications. Hence the first ANC visit should be as early as possible in pregnancy, preferably in the first trimester. The last visit should be at around 37 weeks or near the expected date of birth to ensure that appropriate advice and care have been provided to prevent and manage problems such as multiple births (e.g. twins), post maturity (e.g. birth after 42 weeks of pregnancy, which carries an increased risk of fetal death), and abnormal positions of the baby (e.g. breech, where the baby’s head is not the presenting part at birth).

Ultrasound scan in pregnancy

Ultrasound scans use sound waves to build a picture of the baby in the womb. The scans are painless, have no known side effects on mothers or babies, and can be carried out at any stage of pregnancy. Talk to your obstetrician about any concerns you have.

Having a scan in pregnancy is usually a happy event, but be aware that ultrasound scans may detect some serious health conditions, so try to be prepared for that information.

An ultrasound scan can be used to:

  • Check your baby's size – at the 12-week dating scan, this gives a better idea of how many weeks pregnant you are; your due date, which is originally calculated from the first day of your last period, may be adjusted according to the ultrasound measurements
  • Check whether you're having more than 1 baby
  • Detect some physical conditions
  • Show the position of your baby and the placenta – for example, when the placenta is low down in late pregnancy, a caesarean section may be advised
  • Check that the baby is growing normally – this is particularly important if you're carrying twins, or you've had problems in this pregnancy or a previous pregnancy

Medical assistance during the delivery of a baby can vary from use of medicines to emergency delivery procedures.

Vaginal delivery is the most common type of birth. When necessary, assisted delivery methods are needed. While labor can be a straightforward, uncomplicated process, it might require the assistance of the medical staff. This assistance can vary from use of medicines to emergency delivery procedures.

The procedure might use will depend on the conditions that might arise while you are in labor. These assisted delivery procedures can include the following:

An episiotomy is a surgical incision made in the perineum (the area of skin between the vagina and the anus). The incision enlarges the vaginal opening to allow the baby’s head to pass through more easily and to prevent tearing of the mother’s skin. Most women will not need one. This is reserved for special circumstances.

Amniotomy (“Breaking the Bag of Water”)
An amniotomy is the artificial rupture of the amniotic membranes, or sac, which contains the fluid surrounding the baby. The amniotomy can be done either before or during labor. An amniotomy is usually done to:

  • Induce or augment labor
  • Check for meconium (a greenish-brown substance, which is the baby’s first stool)

Once the procedure is completed, delivery should take place within 24 hours to prevent infection.

Induced labor
Induction of labor usually means that labor needs to be started for a number of reasons. It is most often used for pregnancies with medical problems or other complications.
Medical reasons for inducing labor might include:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Ruptured membranes
  • Small baby
  • Past-due pregnancy

Vacuum extraction
A vacuum extractor looks like a small suction cup that is placed on the baby’s head to help deliver the baby. A vacuum is created using a pump, and the baby is pulled down the birth canal with the instrument and with the help of the mother’s contractions. The pump can often leave a bruise on the baby’s head, which typically resolves over the first 48 hours.

Cesarean section
A cesarean section, also called a c-section, is a surgical procedure performed if a vaginal delivery is not possible. During this procedure, the baby is delivered through surgical incisions made in the abdomen and the uterus.

When would I need a cesarean section?
A cesarean delivery might be planned advance if a medical reason calls for it, or it might be unplanned and take place during your labor if certain problems arise.
You might need to have a planned cesarean delivery if any of the following conditions exist:

  • Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)---is a term that means that the baby’s head or body is too large to pass safely through the mother’s pelvis, or the mother’s pelvis is too small to deliver a normal-sized baby.
  • Previous cesarean birth---Although it is possible to have a vaginal birth after a previous cesarean, it is not an option for all women. Factors that can affect whether a cesarean is needed include the type of uterine incision used in the previous cesarean and the risk of rupturing the uterus with a vaginal birth.
  • Multiple pregnancy---Although twins can often be delivered vaginally, two or more babies might require a cesarean delivery.
  • Placenta previa---In this condition, the placenta is attached too low in the uterine wall and blocks the baby’s exit through the cervix.
  • Transverse lie---The baby is in a horizontal, or sideways, position in the uterus. If your doctor determines that the baby cannot be turned through abdominal manipulation, you will need to have a cesarean delivery.
  • Breech presentation---In a breech presentation, or breech birth, the baby is positioned to deliver feet or bottom first. If your doctor determines that the baby cannot be turned through abdominal manipulation, you will need to have a cesarean delivery.

An unplanned cesarean delivery might be needed if any of the following conditions arise during your labor:

  • Failure of labor to progress---In this condition, the cervix begins to dilate and stops before the woman is fully dilated, or the baby stops moving down the birth canal.
  • Cord compression---The umbilical cord is looped around the baby’s neck or body, or caught between the baby’s head and the mother’s pelvis, compressing the cord.
  • Prolapsed cord---The umbilical cord comes out of the cervix before the baby does.
  • Abruptio placentae---In rare occurrence the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus before the baby is born and others.

During labor, the baby might begin to develop heart rate patterns that could present a problem. Might be decided that the baby can no longer tolerate labor and that a cesarean delivery is necessary.

What can I expect before the cesarean?
If the cesarean delivery is not an emergency, the following procedures will take place.

  • You will be asked if you consent to the procedure, and in some hospitals, you might be asked to sign a consent form.
  • The anesthesiologist will discuss the type of anesthesia to be used.
  • You will have a heart, pulse, and blood pressure monitor applied.
  • Hair clipping will be done around the incision area.
  • A catheter will be inserted to keep your bladder empty.
  • Medicine will be put directly into your vein.

What is the procedure for a cesarean?
At the start of the procedure, the anesthesia will be administered. Your abdomen will then be cleaned with an antiseptic, and you might have an oxygen mask placed over your mouth and nose to increase oxygen to the baby.
The doctor will then make an incision through your skin and into the wall of the abdomen. The doctor might use either a vertical or horizontal incision. (A horizontal incision is also called a bikini incision, because it is placed beneath the belly button.) Next, a 3- to 4-inch incision is then made in the wall of the uterus, and the doctor removes the baby through the incisions. The umbilical cord is then cut, the placenta is removed, and the incisions are closed.

How long does the procedure take?
From beginning to end, a cesarean takes anywhere from 1 to 2 hours.

What happens after the delivery?
Because the cesarean is major surgery, it will take you longer to recover from this type of delivery than it would from a vaginal delivery. Depending on your condition, you will probably stay in the hospital about 2 days.
Once the anesthesia wears off, you will begin to feel the pain from the incisions, so be sure to ask for pain medicine. You might also experience gas pains and have trouble taking deep breaths. You will also have a vaginal discharge after the surgery due to the shedding of the uterine wall. The discharge will be red at first and then gradually change to yellow. Be sure to call your healthcare provider if you experience heavy bleeding or a foul odor from the vaginal discharge.